Our founder, Cindy Nell-Roberts, is a well-known South-African celebrity, television presenter and Director of Cosmetix (Pty) Ltd. Cindy reached celebrity status as Miss South Africa and a Miss Universe runner-up in 2003, thereafter she became a popular television presenter and personality for shows such as Pasella, Survivor, Strictly Come Dancing and Wedding Bashers just to name a few. Cindy spent over 15 years working with various charity projects and discovered that, above all, her passion in life is to help other women to improve their lives. The Women4Women foundation will focus on the empowerment and upliftment of women, with the end goal to help women improve their earnings, living conditions, confidence, appearance and to secure the future for their children.
The Women4Women foundation has partnered with the Mrs South Africa Pageant (a female empowerment and upliftment programme) and will be the official beneficiary of the Mrs South Africa annual fundraising ball. Funds raised at the ball will be distributed to community projects.
Women4Women will endeavour to establish three fully functional ECD Educational centres in three townships in 2020 for girls from the age of 6 - 11 years. Women4Women will also pay for the training of staff and day to day operations and maintenance of the educational centres. Our bursary students from underprivileged communities are currently studying Early Childhood Development and will be re-invested back into the system and community to assist with the Early Childhood Development program. Life skills taught at the Early Childhood Development Centres will be on par with the Government policy which is a comprehensive approach for children from 6 to 11 with the active participation of the educator. Its purpose is to protect the rights of children to develop their full cognitive, emotional, social and physical potential.
Life skills to teenagers form a big part of our initiatives please see the projects page for reference.

Lobbying government, public and private institutions to raise funds, to facilitate, assist, initiate, fund or participate in projects and programs that economically uplift women in various communities.

Cindy Nell

Joani Johnson

Vusi Zwane

Clive Roberts

Brigitte Willers
General Manager